Welcome to Ruth Yang Ministry

Empowering Souls, Transforming Lives

Interviews & Healings
YouTube ink: https://www.youtube.com/@Christian76518

About Us
Ruth Yang Ministry is dedicated to spreading love, hope, and faith through Life Testmonies and Share Gospel to the naitions, Jesus Christ Died on Cross for our sins and Jesus is the only way for all people go to the Heaven. We believe in the power of Holy Spirit Transform our life from the sinful nature to Living in holy lifestle a positive impact in the lives of individuals, families and society. Join us on a journey to discover the depths of spirituality and receive a free Gift of Salvation fome God. The power of the Kingdom of God will change your life as what Jesus  Christ did in my life.
My Testmony Education 
14 Years ago I only had elementary school in China and I couldn't read or wrote English, I spoken few words in English. By God's grace I came to America in 2011 and I studied 8 months English. In 2012 I enrolled GED/USA adults highschool and graduated my GED in November 2014. I enrolled West Virginia University School of Arts And Design in 2015 and Graduated my Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honor Summa Cum Laude overall GPA 3.93 in 2021. Curentlly I study Master of Fine Arts in University of Miami FL USA with full scholarship. My education is miracle from God and I give all the Glories and Honor to Lord Jesus Christ, without Jesus I wuld never have education in my life. 

Glory to Jesus Christ

In 2023 My painting wins Top Governor's Awards in West Virginia State Museum and Art Museum permanently collected my painting into their collection.

Glory to Jesus Christ

I had 6 paintings in the University of Miami FL Art Exhibition in 2024.

Glory to Jesus Christ

Bachelor of Fine Arts graduation Exhibition in West Virginia University USA in 2022.

Matthew 18: 21-35 Power of Words of GOD set me free from hate.

Forgiveness of my earthly father. I was hate my earthly father for 21 years and I was unable to help myself from the pain. I was suffered lots when I was young and experienced lots hungry and homeless. I was promised myself and I would never forgive my earthly father because he rejected send me to school and he didn't give me food when was so young. But in 2010 my best friend in China invited me go church and I bought a Holy Bible from church. A evening I was laying on my bed reading bible Matthew 18: 21-35 The parable of the Unforgiving Servant, on end of verser Jesus spoken to me: He said if you don't forgiving your earthly father then Heavenly Father will not forgive you. I got up & kneels on my bed pray, Heavenly Father I am wrong for hated my father for 21 years, no matter what he did to me and you will judge him. But I need to do a daughter's duty. In that moment Power of Words of GOD into my heart and all hate & pain is gone. I know Jesu is a real GOD because I was believed multiple gods in China nothing happened in my life. Few months later Lord Jesus told me call my father and on the phone, I told him I forgiven him because God forgiven me. 4 years later my father came to the Christ and he had baptized in church in China. I give all the glory an honor to Jesus Christ.

I will share my testimonies and share gospel in Jerusalem publicly.

God's calling share Gospel and be a witness to all Jewish. I plan go to Jerusalem in 2025.

Proclam the Kindom of GOD is near

GOD's Calling share gospel to poor Chinese in China and share my life testimonies to them. I am waiting for GOD's timing come.

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  • Miami FL, USA